pedis is a full disassembler that can be used for different purposes. Let's say you find the following output from pescan first:
pescan -v malware.exe
file entropy: 7.868122 (probably packed)
fpu anti-disassembly: yes
imagebase: normal - 0x400000
entrypoint: fake - va: 0x2ddb40 - raw: 0xe0f40
DOS stub: suspicious - raw: 0x40
TLS callback function: 0x6ddd10
TLS directory: found - 1 function(s)
section count: 3
UPX0: suspicious name, zero length, self-modifying
UPX1: suspicious name, self-modifying
.rsrc: normal
timestamp: normal - Mon, 18 Nov 2013 16:34:20 UTC
You may want to see why DOS stub was marked as suspicious. You can use pedis for that. As DOS stub starts on offset 0x40 and it's a 16-bit assembly code, you can ask pedis to disassemble 16 bytes for example, starting at offset 0x40. Look:
pedis -m 16 -o 0x40 -n 16 malware.exe
40: ba 10 00 mov dx, 0x10
43: 0e push cs
44: 1f pop ds
45: b4 09 mov ah, 0x9
47: cd 21 int 0x21
49: b8 01 4c mov ax, 0x4c01
4c: cd 21 int 0x21
4e: 90 nop